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Solar energy is harnessed from the sun's radiation and is converted into electricity using solar panels. These panels consist of semiconductor materials that generate a direct current (DC) when exposed to sunlight. An inverter can convert the DC energy into alternating current (AC). We can use this in homes and businesses.

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from this type of energy in your home or business:

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Environmentally Friendly: Solar power can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. This provides the opportunity to contribute to a cleaner environment.

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Lower Energy Bills: Solar panels can significantly reduce your electricity bills. This size of the reduction may depend on system size and local incentives.

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Energy Independence: Solar panels can generate your home’s electricity, reducing reliance on utility companies.

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Increased Property Value: Solar panels, depending on how many, can increase the resale value of your home because of the energy savings and effect.

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Tax Incentives: Some states offer tax credits or rebates to encourage solar use. You can search for information on your specific geographic location to see if you can benefit from these tax incentives.

Solar panels use the photovoltaic effect. When sunlight hits the panels, it ignites electrons in the semiconductor material. This can create an electric current. This current is then captured and converted into electricity for your home or business.

These panels can still generate electricity on cloudy or rainy days but may be at a reduced capacity. They are designed to capture diffused sunlight, so some energy production continues even when direct sunlight is limited.

Having a battery storage system with your solar panels is unnecessary, but it can be beneficial. Batteries store excess energy generated during the day for use at night or during power outages. Our team can offer information on the benefits of batteries, such as energy independence and tax incentives.

Solar panels are usually low-maintenance. We suggest occasional cleaning to remove dust and debris. It's recommended to perform inspections to make sure they're working correctly. Some panels come with self-cleaning technology, and any required maintenance is minimal.

Solar panel installation typically takes a few days to a couple of weeks. Installation processes depend on the complexity of the project and local permitting requirements. A home may require less time, while a business can take longer to install. We can give you an estimate on installation during your initial consultation.

Many areas have net metering programs that allow homeowners to sell excess electricity. Their panels generate this energy and can be given back to the grid. You may receive credit on electricity bills or other incentives.

At Xando Energy, we can educate and install these solar panel systems. You canzsd find these common FAQs and other information regarding our panels on our website. We can also answer other questions you may have during our initial consultation. Contact us to learn more about this type of energy, its benefits, and additional significant information before your installation.

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Xando Energy

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